The Problem With Social Media…

Is it just me, or does social media feel a little boring at the moment? Does it feel like it’s lacking in creativity and that the social aspect seems to have got lost. Especially with the likes of Facebook and Instagram (which used to be my favourite platforms).

For me, social media feels a little stale.

It feels like the content being produced is too similar. That regardless of the accounts you follow, the content is too similar to other accounts within the same niche. And despite Instagram in particular “prioritising” original content, it feels like there is a lack of originality. Online content just feels a little forced and inauthentic. Especially when it comes to Instagram. There's definitely an element of "we HAVE to constantly be producing Reels". And it then feels forced and inauthentic because we are needing to create content in ways we’d prefer not to, in order to be seen or get any form of growth online. Or to get any sort of engagement and interaction, which takes away the “social” from “social media”.

As a result, meaningful conversations seemed to have declined, especially on the smaller accounts. And when engagement on the posts declines, this results in less reach and it seems to be a bit of a cycle. It makes it feel impossible for smaller businesses and accounts to be seen and heard by new audiences.

And quite frankly, it’s taken away any joy I once had when it came to content creation. I'm feeling uninspired, inauthentic and I'm creating content because I have to, not because I'm wanting to. And that’s no fun at all.

Which means its time for me to take back creative control when it comes to my online presence, and I’m starting with blog and social posts like this one. Posts that, at times, will be a little bit more vulnerable, that are on topics I feel passionate about and welcome open discussion. That aren’t boxed into certain niches, and types of content. That allow you, my audience, to connect with me better.

But I want to know your thoughts, is social media still social? Does it feel stale to you or are you enjoying it as you did say a year or two ago? Let me know in the comments!


Dreams Change And That’s OK!


Engagement Photoshoot: Jess and Conor