There Is Confidence In Creativity

Creativity is a wonderful thing. When it comes to creative ideas, there are often no limitations (there may be when executing the idea but that’s a different matter) and there is something so freeing about being creative. It’s like it gives you the opportunity to be exactly who it is you want to be.

Believe it or not, I used to lack a lot of confidence. But one thing that brought it to me in bucket loads was finding ways to be creative. Here's a story for you: my Dad had to take me to my first day of work experience in Year 10 because I was that anxious about going alone. Whilst social situations still worry me at times, putting a camera in my hand gave me the confidence to go into those situations and enjoy them. And it’s because I feel confident in my ability to be creative, and produce fantastic work for my clients. The camera gave me a purpose and an opportunity to become confident in myself.

Now, you might be wondering how this applies to you. For the sake of this, we’ll put you in front of the camera, you’re the person being photographed. Putting yourself in a creative situation is a fantastic way to build confidence. You’re likely to be stretching your comfort zone a little, which will inevitably build it, but you’re also feeling confident in the photographer you’ve hired. You’re confident that they will produce their best work for you during this creative process. The more you try different creative outlets, the more confident you will start to feel.

“You can’t use up creativity. The more use, the more you have” ~ Maya Angelou

This is one of my favourite quotes, and I have a theory behind it. The more creative opportunities you take, the more likely you are to take on more because your confidence has grown. You’ve learnt that even is something doesn’t quite go to plan, there is no harm in trying. You've subsequently been given more tools to try new things. You start looking forward to trying new things, because you know you’ve got the tools and confidence to give it a go. You start actively looking for new creative opportunities, because you’ve experienced the positive experiences that creativity can bring.

I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be where I am, or who I am today without having picked up a camera. It gave a confidence, and self-assurance that I didn’t know I have.

What could you do if you started being creative?


If you have a creative idea and are in need of a photographer to help, contact me here.


Preparing For Your Photoshoot


Let Creatives Be Creative