The Benefits of Having a Brand Photoshoot

Having a brand photoshoot is no longer just about getting some images for your marketing. There are a whole range of benefits that come from these shoots, especially when you book one that includes video as well.

Professional horse rider Meriel Isok riding one of her horses

These images can help your audience feel like they’re getting to know you

With brand photography packages, you get a whole bank of images of you and your team, behind the scenes of your brand and anything that is important within your brand values. When used effectively, this content can be used to show your audience who you really are and positions you as an expert within your industry. It’s also a chance to inject a bit of your brand personality into your content. This in turn leads to building trust with your audience, and eventually sales. Don’t be afraid to bring your personality and values into your content. People buy from people so showing your personality and how passionate you are allows your following to engage with you, and get to know you before purchasing.

Professional horse riders Abbie Hamper and Elliot Dowler with two of their horses.

You can increase your brands engagement

Images of faces on sites such as Facebook and Instagram have been proven to have had more engagement on them, in comparison to those that don’t. In theory, increased engagement on posts means your next post could be more likely to be seen and engaged with. So engagement is a constant cycle. Remember, social media is called SOCIAL media for a reason, so you need to be active too. By responding to comments on your posts, and engaging with your audience posts, you are again building trust. This then means that when someone thinks of a product or service you offer, you are likely to be top of mind. They are then more likely to purchase from you instead of a competitor.

Brand photoshoot with professional photography Charlotte Colley

Brand photography allows you to bring your core brand values to life

A picture will always show more than words will, and so having quality images encompassing everything your brand stands for can be a hugely effective marketing strategy. Of course, it’s worth ensuring that your copy is compelling too, as what you write still holds a lot of importance. Let your audience see what your business stands for, rather than just read it online. Use visual aids to help build their understanding of you and your business.

It creates versatility

To start, you can use the images in a variety of ways and on a number of different platforms. From email marketing to social media, to your website or even on branded stationary. Using it in a variety of ways increases the chances of someone seeing you and your brand. On average it takes seven times of someone seeing your content before they will make a purchase. So use these images to create plenty of content to increase the chances of your ideal clients seeing your work.

The brand photoshoot will also take a whole variety of different images and video. From images/video of you and your team, behind-the-scenes, with clients, how you create your products to even your packaging. This means, at the end of your photo shoot, you’ll have a whole host of different pieces of content to be able to use, creating variation within your online content and generating more interest because of this.

Brand shoots help you come up with content ideas

Experienced brand photographers have an eye for creating engaging content that works for each of the brands they work with. Which means we often have plenty of ideas for content ideas that you might not have thought of. Charlotte (from Herd It Here Creative) and I often say we can create a years worth of content in one day, as long as the shoot is planned out well. So think about what will happen over the next 3, 6, 12 months and what content you might need. If you’re struggling for ideas, use me as a sounding board! You’ll suddenly find that what was just a few content ideas, becomes a whole content calendar for you going forward.

The Crafty Caravan Bar at the New Forest and Hampshire Show 2019

So there you have it, five benefits of having a brand photoshoot.. Have you had a brand shoot yet?

If you would like to discuss working with me, use this contact form or book an enquiry call.


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