It’s Time To Get Creative…

I’ve been wanting to find more ways to get creative. Anyone who knows me, knows I thrive when I’m at my most creative. Once creativity sets in, there’s no stopping me.

My issue recently has been that I’m out of fresh ideas. I’ve completed a lot of projects over the last couple of years that have been on my own bucket list. But this hasn’t stopped the need to be wanting to create more. So I’ve been thinking of ways to come up with fresh, exciting ideas where I can get really sucked in and invested in them, and unleash some more creativity whilst producing some stunning pieces of wall art.

My solution?


Not just collaborating with anyone though, I want to collaborate with YOU.

I want to bring your visions to life.

How are we going to do this? Well, on a semi-regular basis (I anticipate at least twice a year) I will be opening up applications for creative photoshoots where you will be sending in your ideas. My favourite will then be offered a free photoshoot with 5 high resolution digital images included. Location may play a factor, although I can offer free travel to those within 25 miles of Sawston, CB22. Outside of this travel will be charged at £0.45 per mile.

No idea is off-limits, and the more creative, unusual the project, the better.

So, are you ready? If so, apply here.


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